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Fashion Business

AI for Retail.

Discover the transformative potential of AI in retail with our comprehensive course, covering strategies, applications, and industry insights.

What we cover.

Course Overview.


Embark on a transformative journey through the dynamic world of AI in retail with our comprehensive course. From redefining customer experiences to optimising operational efficiency, AI is reshaping the retail landscape. Our course offers a deep dive into strategic approaches, practical applications, and invaluable industry insights to help you harness the full potential of AI for your retail endeavours.


Course Structure.


Module 1: Understanding AI in Retail

  • Introduction to AI and its significance in the retail sector.

  • Key terminology and concepts demystified.

  • Evolution of AI in retail: From inception to current trends.

Module 2: AI-Powered Customer Engagement

  • Crafting personalised experiences through AI-driven strategies.

  • Leveraging recommender systems for tailored product recommendations.

  • Harnessing sentiment analysis to glean insights from customer feedback.

  • Implementing chatbots and virtual assistants for enhanced customer. service.


Module 3: Optimising Operations with AI

  • Revolutionising inventory management and demand forecasting with AI.

  • Enhancing supply chain efficiency through AI-powered solutions.

  • Exploring dynamic pricing strategies fuelled by AI algorithms.

  • Unlocking the potential of automated checkout and cashier-less stores.


Module 4: Elevating Marketing Efforts with AI

  • Designing targeted marketing campaigns using AI-driven insights.

  • Harnessing predictive analytics to forecast trends and consumer behaviour.

  • Enabling visual search and image recognition capabilities for enhanced product discovery.

  • Extracting actionable insights from social media data using AI tools.


Module 5: Ethical and Privacy Considerations

  • Examining the ethical implications of AI adoption in retail.

  • Addressing data privacy and security concerns in AI-powered retail environments.

  • Navigating regulatory frameworks and adhering to best practices.


Module 6: Case Studies and Industry Insights

  • Analysing real-world examples of successful AI implementations in retail.

  • Drawing inspiration from case studies and distilling key learnings.

  • Anticipating emerging trends and envisioning the future of AI-driven retail.


Course Exercises.


  • Personalisation Exercise: Develop a customer segmentation strategy using AI techniques to deliver tailored product recommendations.


  • Inventory Optimisation Challenge: Analyse historical sales data and apply AI algorithms to predict demand and optimise inventory levels.


  • Pricing Simulation: Experiment with AI-driven pricing models to determine optimal pricing strategies for diverse product categories.


  • Marketing Campaign Design: Create a targeted marketing campaign leveraging AI tools and techniques to maximise customer engagement.


  • Ethical Dilemma Discussion: Engage in a group discussion to explore ethical considerations surrounding AI in retail and propose ethical solutions.

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